What is this account?

I make free adopts on our free time, that's about it :P

> Rules <
> How to claim <
> When is the next post? <

Instagram - ToyHouse - Meiker

How can I claim one?

It depends on the adopt, but instructions will always be on each post! Most of the time it'll either be a raffle (Winner decided by RNG) or WTA (Write to adopt)!

Who can claim one?

You do not need to follow my accountYour account must be at least 1 month oldThere used to be a cooldown after claiming a design. That's now gone!

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> Are there any rules? <

Are there any rules?

Credit me for the design of the character, especially if you re-upload the picture somewhere else.Don't sell/trade these unless they have extra art, it'd be unfair both for the buyer and for me since you got the design for free. Gifts are fine.Do not claim the art as your ownYou're free to modify the character's design any way you like

What happens I break these?

You'll be blacklisted from the account and won't be able to claim any new designs.

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> When's the next post? <

When is the next post?

I usually post around noon (GMT-5), but I also post WIPs and other sneak peeks in this account if you're interested! :D

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> How to claim a design <
> Adoption rules <

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the adopt's name and gender?
They're all non-binary by default and have placeholder names, it is for the owner to decide their final name/gender/bio etc!

Do you have a post schedule?
I post a new adoptable everyday, for more info please check timer here!

Who runs this account?
I (Star) run the account! My SO (Sino) may post every now and then too :D

Why is x thing awkwardly worded?
English isn't my native language, feel free to ask for clarification if something's hard to understand :')

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> How to claim a design <
> Adoption rules <